
Showing posts from November, 2020

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

      The book Fahrenheit 451 is about a society where you not allowed to read books and the firefighters are the ones who burn the book. The way the author writes about the people lives in that society is so cold and depressing. Montag meets a girl named Clarisse one day on his way home and he was so intrigued by how different she was from the other people.      Authorities where a big part of the book they had so much power over anyone. The authorities control the people by intermediating them and making them fear them. The Government mainly controls them by burning any type of information that comes from book and magazines. Anyone who got caught reading or hiding  book where going to be punished and also the fire fighters where going to burn everything in the home.     Clarisse comes into Montag's life and makes him realize that he's been living a miserable life. Montage began to quest...


 John Jacks widow handed Bosch a murder book at the funeral. Bosch bring the book to Renee to see if she should help him. Bosch and Renee got really close and they started to think that if John stole the case to hide it. The theme of the book was finding out who the murder was. I think the authors morning routine is he gets up and drinks a cup of coffee while reading the news paper then he probably eats some eggs with fruit and a piece of toast. He probably does a lot of exercising. He uses these 5 literally techniques foreshadowing, frame story, metaphor, tone and flashback. The author used tone by he descried or put punctuations while the characters where talking. Foreshadowing was used because when they where at the murder scene when the guy was lit on fire John walked away to tell the littler girl and the women they shouldn't be there. Frame story was also used for example Bosch was telling Renee about his relation ship with John.


 Something i've done will this course is posting all the things I need to post and doing all my journals.


 In the first scene of the book fire is considered helpful. Its considered helpful because the firemen are the ones to start the fire.


The effect of Clarisse showing up makes Montag think that she's odd because she doesn't act like the rest.  Clarisse asked Montag if he was happy and got offended because no one has ever asked him if he was happy.


My first impression on Montag is that he's a bit weird. He's not really happy he has to force his smile.         

Pages From My Journal #3

 10/15   Yes i've seen a drastic change in the seasons. It doesn't seem like its going to be Halloween or Thanksgiving because it's still very hot it seems like were still in summer. I like fall but like you said I feel depressed, sleepier, and I have way less energy but of course fall is till one of my favorite seasons.  10/19 To me "Step of the Line" means that you have passed the certain limit someone has put to the patients. We know where the line is because the persons attitude changes or they will tell you that you have  passed the line. Yes it can be different for other people and situations. In a relationship stepping over the line is lying about where you where going and who you where with especially if you where with a girl. And that can end the relationship because you stepped over the line and they've told you to stop lying to them. 10/20 The fist thing I would do if I won the lottery is probably cry of excitement. I wouldn't know what to do of...